Páll Bragi Hólmarsson and Vísir frá Kagaðarhóli win Tölt T1 of Meistaradeild Líflands 2024!13/4/2024
The final event of Meistaradeild Líflands 2024 was on Friday 12th of April. There was a competition in Tölt T1 and speedpace. The evening began with the preliminary round in Tölt T1. The preliminaries were extremely strong and you could see some really impressive performances. It was Páll Bragi Hólmarsson and Vísir frá Kagaðarhóli who were the last pair in the preliminaries and they managed to get the first place after the preliminaries. They held that lead until the end and emerged as winners in Tölt T1 of Meistaradeild Líflands 2024 with a score of 8.83! In second to third place were two riders equal, Gústaf Ásgeir Hinriksson riding Assa frá Miðhúsum and Árni Björn Pálsson riding Kastanía frá Kvsitum with a score of 8.50. It was then team Árbakki / Hestvit who won the team competition with 41.5 points. They had two of their riders in the finals, Gústaf Ásgeir and Glódís Rún but here you can see them along with their teammates Pierre, Jóhanna Margrét and Fredrica, obviously satisfied with their performances in the tölt. Team Competition Standings of Tölt T1
1 Hestvit / Árbakki 41.5 2 Austurkot / Pula 40 3 Hjarðartún 37 4 Top Reiter 36.5 5 Ganghestar / Margrétarhof 30 6 Hrímnir / Hest.is 28 7 Þjóðólfshagi / Sumarliðabær 18 At this point, there was one competition ahead that would possibly decide the outcome of the individual and team competition. The Speedpace through the arena remained, and it was clear that a good run there could have a big impact on who would emerge as the winners of the Meistaradeild Líflands 2024, as the margin was very narrow, both in the individual and team competition. Team Competition Standings after Tölt T1 1 Hestvit/Árbakki 276 2 Ganghestar/Margrétarhof 269 3 Top Reiter 252 4 Hjarðartún 243 5 Austurkot/Pula 196 6 Hrímnir/Hest.is 194 7 Þjóðólfshagi/Sumarliðabær 186 Individual Standings after Tölt T1 1 Glódís Rún Sigurðardóttir 39.5 2 Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson 37 3 Aðalheiður Anna Guðjónsdóttir 33 4 Gústaf Ásgeir Hinriksson 31.75 5 Árni Björn Pálsson 30 6 Ásmundur Ernir Snorrason 26 Results Tölt T1 1 Páll Bragi Hólmarsson Vísir frá Kagaðarhóli Austurkot / Pula 8,83 2-3 Árni Björn Pálsson Kastanía frá Kvistum Top Reiter 8,50 2-3 Gústaf Ásgeir Hinriksson Assa frá Miðhúsum Hestvit / Árbakki 8,50 4 Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson Skarpur frá Kýrholti Hjarðartún 8,44 5 Ásmundur Ernir Snorrason Hlökk frá Strandarhöfði Hrímnir / Hest.is 8,39 6 Glódís Rún Sigurðardóttir Breki frá Austurási Ganghestar / Margrétarhof 8,06 7 Teitur Árnason Dússý frá Vakurstöðum Top Reiter 7,87 8 Aðalheiður Anna Guðjónsdóttir Flóvent frá Breiðstöðum Ganghestar / Margrétarhof 7,83 9-11 Ragnhildur Haraldsdóttir Úlfur frá Mosfellsbæ Ganghestar / Margrétarhof 7,77 9-11 Ólafur Andri Guðmundsson Salka frá Feti Austurkot / Pula 7,77 9-11 Guðmar Þór Pétursson Sókrates frá Skáney Þjóðólfshagi / Sumarliðabær 7,77 12 Helga Una Björnsdóttir Bylgja frá Barkarstöðum Hjarðartún 7,73 13 Hans Þór Hilmarsson Vala frá Hjarðartúni Hjarðartún 7,50 14 Viðar Ingólfsson Vonandi frá Halakoti Hrímnir / Hest.is 7,47 15 Jón Ársæll Bergmann Móeiður frá Vestra-Fíflholti Austurkot / Pula 7,43 16 Jóhanna Margrét Snorradóttir Kormákur frá Kvistum Hestvit / Árbakki 7,40 17 Þorgeir Ólafsson Auðlind frá Þjórsárbakka Þjóðólfshagi / Sumarliðabær 7,33 18 Bergur Jónsson Ljósálfur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum UPPBOÐSSÆTI 7,23 19 Sara Sigurbjörnsdóttir Fluga frá Oddhóli Ganghestar / Margrétarhof 7,13 20-21 Fredrica Fagerlund Stormur frá Yztafelli UPPBOÐSSÆTI 7,00 20-21 Flosi Ólafsson Röðull frá Haukagili Hvítársíðu Hrímnir / Hest.is 7,00 22 Eyrún Ýr Pálsdóttir Fjalar frá Vakurstöðum Top Reiter 6,93 23 Guðmundur Björgvinsson Adrían frá Garðshorni á Þelamörk Þjóðólfshagi / Sumarliðabær 6,77 Comments are closed.